21 January 2013

And that's a bad miss.

OK so I missed a blog at the weekend. On further thought I'd decided to keep the posts to just weekdays. Doing six in a week was a bit much.

The Masters snooker has been on recently. I always enjoy watching snooker. I'm not sure why but I find the sound ball hitting ball rather relaxing. I like writing with it on in the background. I know it's daft; but I like to think that the gentle patter of applause at a good shot is actually directed at me, people cheering me on.

Back at university I wrote a lot of my essays to the sound of snooker. I would have it on all day, including the late night highlights. I don't think my dissertation would have been finished without the boys in the baize.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, that's a good sound to write too :)
