I finally finished
XCOM: Enemy Unknown the other day. I know it's been out a while but I
kept getting distracted by other things. Playing games is a bit of a
guilty pleasure for me. Whenever I do, I sort of feel bad like I
really should be writing instead.
To that end I don't
play timesink games any more. I just can't justify playing something
like World of Warcraft, you just waste so much time. I also got
utterly burnt out and bored of WoW after having played it for a
couple of years. So I stick to shorter game of the "drop in, drop out" model.
Anyway, back to XCOM.
I'd never played an XCOM game before. Back in the day I wasn't
interested in turn-based tactical strategy games, I preferred real
time strats like Command & Conquer. So when approaching the
modern XCOM I didn't have any expectations. My interest in the game
was only really piqued by seeing videos on Youtube by TotalBiscuit and Rythian from the Yogscast.
Since I was a pure
rookie I started the game on the easiest setting with the tutorial
on. I have to say I rather enjoyed it. The tutorial probably holds
your hand a bit too much to begin with but it is fun when you get
going. It was good fun to pick
your strategy, plan out your attacks, choose the right tools for the
job and taken down the alien menace. It isn't a perfect game, far from it, but I did enjoy it and
I'm looking forward to starting another play through.
I've seen some gaming
sites suggest that its game of the year material. I can't agree with
that. The main reason is that it's just got way too many bugs. I
understand that the higher the difficulty the more game breaking
these bugs become. Even on my easy play through I saw some pretty
annoying bugs. Ridiculous line of sight issues, alien shots going
through walls and maps not loading properly. I don't mind challenging
games but the challenge should come from game mechanics not game
I don't agree with GOTY
titles anyway, given how often it gets doled out it's become
meaningless. Were I forced to pick one from 2012, it'd be Faster ThanLight. That's a topic for another day though.
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