12 January 2013

Faster Than Light!

I didn't intent to have any sort of schedule for this blog. However I've now decided to only do one on a weekend and that one will probably be about computer games.

I mentioned FTL last time as a game I enjoyed a great deal last year. It's a strategic based spaceship simulator where you command a ship on the run across the galaxy. It's also a Rogue-like game so if you die you die and have to start over.

At first glance it comes across as a fairly simple game. However the more you play the more you get to appreciate the complexity. Each decision you make has consequences. Do you risk attacking that pirate ship on moral grounds or leave them be?

It's a fun game with a lot of re playability given the range of ships available to use. The game also has a fantastic and distinctive art style and a catchy soundtrack.

I have been both annoyed and delighted by FTL. Sometimes it feels like the game is deliberately conspiring against you and to a certain point it is. This style of game isn't meant to be easy. There is meant to be a good solid challenge. FTL has that in spades which makes it all the more enjoyable when you beat it.

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