7 February 2013

Down in the depths.

It is such a relief when the words flow. Those times when you sit down and you just write. There is an almost euphoric joy to filling up a page with fresh writing.

I have a little joke with my girlfriend. I call writing going down the “word mine”. My keyboard is the pick which which to extract raw word ore. You have to refine and smelt that ore down into pure sentence ingots. With them you can start building paragraphs. Of course you have to be careful not to expose any stinky gas prose, that can really scupper a trip down the mine.

The analogy seems so natural to me. My family is from a colliery village in the North East. I suppose if I was actually from the coast there would be something along the same lines with fishing.

I feel like I got a really good haul from the word mine today.

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